Chris Carter – Digging Up Our Past

Chris Carter is a local historian who writes about the history of Essex and Kent Counties.  He reminds us of times and places long-forgotten, and teaches us about the history of our own communities. His readers re-discover our back roads, 200 year old cemeteries, a ghost town, forts, wineries, vegetable/fruit stands and many other amazing places and facts. 

Chris has at least thirteen different non-fiction titles that have earned him notoriety in local newspapers and gotten him a heritage award from the University of Windsor. Carter works with the Essex Tour Group and Heritage Village, offering tours of our county’s most historical sites.

Besides his self-published works, he does work for other historical groups and presses. If you’d like to meet Chris Carter and buy one of his books, come see him at The City Market, for the Essex County Authors Book Show, Saturday, December 12th, between 10am and 3pm.